Dr. Anne Stegenga
State Hospital South
Dr. Anne Stegenga earned her Psy.D. in clinical psychology at the Adler School of Professional Psychology in Chicago. She has served as a training committee member for the Southeastern Idaho Psychology Internship Consortium, and now is a site training director for ID-PIC. She completed her internship training at ISU Family Medicine and State Hospital South (SHS), and her Postdoctoral fellowship at SHS. Her clinical experiences have been characteristically generalist and have included: short-term intensive outpatient therapy and case management for recently hospitalized C&A, long-term outpatient services for adults, along with psychoeducational groups and assessment services for psychiatrically hospitalized adolescents and adults. Her passions are in human rights, and macro-level change greatly fostered by her education in Las Vegas and Chicago. She has served in various Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion positions and other leadership positions for the Idaho Psychological Association and for APA’s Division 18: Psychologists in Public Service. She presents on the following didactic subjects: Attachment Based Therapies, Cognitive Remediation, Understanding Complex PTSD, and the Recovery Oriented Model for SMI.